船舶的稳性可以分为初稳性(Initial stability)和大倾角稳性(Stability at large angles of heel)。可以这样描述初稳性:“The vessel has good initial stability with a metacentric height of [X] meters.”(船舶有良好的初稳性,稳心高度为 [X] 米)。对于大倾角稳性,可以说 “The stability at large angles of heel is satisfactory, and the righting moment curve shows sufficient restoring force.”(大倾角稳性令人满意,扶正力矩曲线显示有足够的恢复力)。
描述横摇周期(Roll period),例如 “The roll period of the vessel is about [X] seconds, indicating a relatively stable motion.”(船舶的横摇周期约为 [X] 秒,表明运动相对稳定)。还可以描述横摇幅度(Roll amplitude),如 “The roll amplitude reached up to [X] degrees during the storm.”(在暴风雨中,横摇幅度达到了 [X] 度)。