航运圈资讯  >  航运资讯  >  怎样在外贸邮件中提及竞争对手,又不显得贬低对手?
2024年12月19日 22:19   浏览:1   来源:Faye


  1. 强调市场竞争态势

    • 在邮件开头或适当位置提及所在行业的竞争激烈程度,例如:“As you are well aware, the [industry name] market is highly competitive, with numerous players vying for market share. This dynamic environment has led to continuous innovation and improvement across the board.” 这样的表述只是陈述了一个客观事实,即市场存在竞争,为后续提及竞争对手做铺垫,且不会让客户感觉到你有攻击性。

  2. 对比优势与特点(以客观事实为依据)

    • 当介绍自己产品或服务的优势时,可以顺带提及竞争对手,但重点放在自身的独特卖点上。例如:“Our [product/service] stands out in terms of [specific feature, like faster delivery time or higher quality materials]. While some competitors may offer similar products, our unique [production process/quality control system] enables us to consistently achieve [the advantage]. For instance, our average delivery time is [X] days shorter than the industry average, which we have been able to maintain through our optimized logistics network, unlike some other companies that may struggle with longer lead times due to their more complex supply chain structures.” 这里没有直接贬低竞争对手,而是通过对比突出自身优势,且用客观数据和事实来支撑,让客户能够理性地做出判断。

  3. 提及竞争对手的长处(有限度且客观)

    • 在某些情况下,可以适当认可竞争对手的优点,但同时强调自己的差异化价值。比如:“We understand that [competitor name] has a strong reputation in [a particular area, such as product design]. However, our approach focuses on [your unique selling point, e.g., customization options or after-sales service]. We believe that our comprehensive [customization process/after-sales support system] provides added value to customers, especially those with specific requirements that may not be fully met by the more standardized offerings of some competitors.” 这种方式既显示了你的客观性和大度,又能引导客户关注你的独特之处。

  4. 避免使用贬低性词汇和语气

    • 绝对不要使用侮辱性、攻击性或轻蔑的语言来描述竞争对手。例如,不要说 “our competitor's product is of poor quality” 这样直白的贬低语句,而是用更委婉、客观的表达方式,如 “in some cases, customers have reported certain limitations in [competitor's product aspect], which our product addresses through [your solution].” 始终保持礼貌和专业的语气,让客户看到你是一个值得信赖的合作伙伴,而不是一个靠诋毁他人来获取业务的商家。
